When life pushes you, stand straight, smile and push it the heck back!

Inner Peace and Friendliness; Natural Fresh Air Luxury





This is where your soul can finally exhale. Where the weight of the world lifts, replaced by a sense of belonging. Where inner peace isn't a luxury, it's the very foundation of your home. Moshate Gardens: More than bricks and mortar, it's a haven for the heart. An invitation to bloom, to connect, to simply be. Come, discover where quietude blossoms, and friendship becomes the most exquisite decoration of all.

It is Not Sandton But We Love It!

Peace and Joy - Not Cold Spooky Luxury!

Forget the gilded cages of empty luxury. Escape the concrete cacophony that steals your breath. At Moshate Gardens, in the heart of Rosslyn, a different kind of haven unfolds. Here, your home isn't a trophy, it's a sanctuary. A canvas for inner peace, painted with the colors of friendliness and nature's embrace.

Moshate Gardens whispers promises of quietude, not isolation. Imagine sunlight dappling through, casting your balcony in a dance of shadows. Breathe in the scent of blooming jasmine, carried on gentle breezes. Let the rhythmic hum of crickets lull you into a state of tranquil reverie.

This is a space where walls melt away, replaced by a tapestry of human connection. Warm smiles bloom like the bougainvillea clinging to the trellises. Laughter echoes through courtyards adorned with children's laughter, punctuated by the melodic chirping of sparrows. In Moshate Gardens, neighbors aren't strangers, they're kindred spirits united by a shared yearning for something deeper than material possessions.

Forget the sterile monotony of cookie-cutter complexes. Here, each dwelling speaks the language of individuality. Homes, not houses, embrace a vibrant diversity of styles, reflecting the souls that inhabit them. A splash of color on a door, a handcrafted bird feeder, a window box spilling with fragrant herbs – these are the brushstrokes that tell the story of a community brimming with life.

Moshate Gardens isn't just a place to live, it's a place to be. To shed the mask of daily drudgery and rediscover the simple joys of existence. To savor the quiet moments with a steaming cup of coffee on your balcony, or gather around a crackling fire pit, weaving tales under the starlit sky.

This is where your soul can finally exhale. Where the weight of the world lifts, replaced by a sense of belonging. Where inner peace isn't a luxury, it's the very foundation of your home.

Moshate Gardens: More than bricks and mortar, it's a haven for the heart. An invitation to bloom, to connect, to simply be. Come, discover where quietude blossoms, and friendship becomes the most exquisite decoration of all.

Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University, the Pride of Moshate Gardens

It is called SMU. SMU has always been the engine of community health in South Africa and Africa

Moshate Gardens: Where Golden Days Meet Ancient Soul. A PLACE TO BE

Here, each dwelling speaks the language of individuality. Homes, not houses, embrace a vibrant diversity of styles, reflecting the souls that inhabit them. A splash of color on a door, a handcrafted bird feeder, a window box spilling with fragrant herbs – these are the brushstrokes that tell the story of a community brimming with life. This is where your soul can finally exhale. Where the weight of the world lifts, replaced by a sense of belonging. Where inner peace isn't a luxury, it's the very foundation of your home.

Peace, not luxury, is our true wealth. We find solace in the quiet hum of community, in the knowledge that we're never alone. This is a place where worries melt away with the warmth of a shared smile and the comfort of belonging.


Moshate Gardens in Rosslyn, South Africa, is more than just a place to live. It's a vibrant community where neighbors become family, laughter echoes through the streets, and the spirit of friendship thrives.

- Unisa Moshate Gardens Study Club Member

Plant your roots here!

Whether you're a young family seeking a safe haven or a seasoned soul looking for a genuine connection, Moshate Gardens welcomes you with open arms.

man sitting on floor beside woman smiling inside white painted room
man sitting on floor beside woman smiling inside white painted room
man in red shirt holding white textile
man in red shirt holding white textile

Sefako Makgatho

There Goeth the Man, Sefako Makgatho! This is the man which the former Medunsa is named after. He was educated in London and was the great friend of King George of England, the grand father of Queen Elizabeth

Sefako Makgatho


  • Share your story! We want to hear what makes Moshate Gardens special for you. Let your voice be heard and be part of our vibrant tapestry.